27-07-2011, 01:34 PM
We have about 200 connections and 100 credentials in our tree now. Things are starting to get MIGHTY crowded and navigating to connections is pretty tedious. It would most excellent if there was a bar at the top left hand corner over the connections and credentials that when you typed it in, would filter on the fly, any connections and credentials that matched. For example...
"and" would find:
1) and
2) andrew
3) land
"andr" would just show number 2, if I deleted the R, back to 1,2,3.
A critical additional feature would be that that search bar would need to be activated by a hot key, say control F, which would place the cursor in said edit box for typing.
I Know control F kind of does the same thing, but it doesn't filter the full list on the left hand side.
Also another feature would be the instant filter clear, say control R which would clear all filters and display all results again.
Thanks for the consideration of this feature.
"and" would find:
1) and
2) andrew
3) land
"andr" would just show number 2, if I deleted the R, back to 1,2,3.
A critical additional feature would be that that search bar would need to be activated by a hot key, say control F, which would place the cursor in said edit box for typing.
I Know control F kind of does the same thing, but it doesn't filter the full list on the left hand side.
Also another feature would be the instant filter clear, say control R which would clear all filters and display all results again.
Thanks for the consideration of this feature.