29-10-2019, 10:09 AM
Running ASGRD 2019 in a W2K19 RDSH session connected from a local Win10 pc (Win10 pc -> W2K19 server -> ASGRD -> W2K19 server)
If I on the local pc set Display Scaling to 125% (Settings > System > Display > Scale and layout = 125%) most things in the W2K19 RDSH session are scaled properly, being clear and *not* fuzzy, but the ASGRD GUI as well as the remote ASGRD RDP sessions are fuzzy looking. The only thing in ASGRD that are *not* fuzzy is the titlebar.
If I open a mstsc.exe and connect to a server that RDP session is clear and *not* fuzzy - so RDP sessions in general scale ok, it is only RDP sessions via ASGRD that don't scale ok.
Do other see this as well? Any solution?
See attached screenshot of ASGRD with an overlaying mstsc that shows the fuzzyness and difference between ASGRD and mstsc remote sessions.
If I on the local pc set Display Scaling to 125% (Settings > System > Display > Scale and layout = 125%) most things in the W2K19 RDSH session are scaled properly, being clear and *not* fuzzy, but the ASGRD GUI as well as the remote ASGRD RDP sessions are fuzzy looking. The only thing in ASGRD that are *not* fuzzy is the titlebar.
If I open a mstsc.exe and connect to a server that RDP session is clear and *not* fuzzy - so RDP sessions in general scale ok, it is only RDP sessions via ASGRD that don't scale ok.
Do other see this as well? Any solution?
See attached screenshot of ASGRD with an overlaying mstsc that shows the fuzzyness and difference between ASGRD and mstsc remote sessions.