19-03-2019, 03:18 PM
(19-03-2019, 02:52 PM)DevOma Wrote: Can you work afterwards with ASGRD? Then you can try to reset the user layout - Tools=>Reset Layout
Else you can call ASGRD.EXE /resetlayout
If that doesn't help - please post the details of the error log...
The following step-by-step actions that I make.
1. I log in to the application with a domain account (windows account).
2. The license expires message appears. I click "Yes"
3. I am importing a new valid license
4. I get a window with an error: "Error on initializing the desktop", I click "OK"
5. The window disappears. The application does not start.
ASGRD 2017 - works correctly.
I launched ASGRD 2019 locally with the evaluation license.
When importing a license, I have an error: "Error on verify the license data."
Is this a problem here?