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Upgrade from 2015 to 2018 - one user keeps getting unlinked credentials

We recently upgraded from 2015 to 2018 (previous upgrade from 2012) and everything is working 100% for all but one user.

This user is getting his credentials unlinked (credentials is still in ASG RD, but on the connection objects they are unlinked). The most confusing part of this is, that if this user opens ASG RD from another remote desktop server or another PC, everything is 100% again. But after a few days, his credentials on the connection objects go missing again. So I am guessing it is in this users local installation of ASG RD this is happening. We have tried to reinstall the local installation of ASG RD 2018 and reboot of the PC, but no change. The user has set up the link to credentials on all the connection objects, but a few days later they go missing again.

We use a database environment that we connect to and everyone has permission to use credentials. This environment has been running since we first got ASG RD 2012 back in 2013 and we've never seen any issues like this before.

Anyone have any thoughts about how to solve this?

Messages In This Thread
Upgrade from 2015 to 2018 - one user keeps getting unlinked credentials - by KL_Dane - 09-05-2018, 08:56 AM

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