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Thycotic Secret server online and version 11.0.6064.1 ASG-RD 2018 Patch5 integration

I'm trying to setup the intergration with thycotic online.
We  are using windows integration both in ASG and in secret server.

when I try to browse to the correct folder in theycotic I get this error :

The content type text/html; charset= al-8 of the response
message does not match the content type of the binding
(text/xml; charset= uff-8). If using a custom encoder, be sure
that the IsContentTypeSupported method is implemented
properly. The first 1024 bytes of the response were:
'< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC --//W3C//DTD XFRML 1.0
<html xmlns=tittp://>
<head id=%-t100 Header> < script
type= lext/javascript->window.NREUMMNREUM=0);
fo =,-1
icenseKer36421cad66', applicationIDT757007417transactio
ent*:—,*attsfl</script> < script
type= lext/javascripr>window.NREUMMREUM=0),_nrrequ
ire=function(e,n,fftfunction fft)(ifen[t]livar
o=e[t][1][n];return r(oIIn)},o,o.exports)}return
nnexports}ifffunction*==typeof _nrrequire)return
_nr require;for(var o=0;o<t.length;o++)fft[o]kreturn
r}({14fundion(e,n,ffffunction rOfifunction o(e,n,t){return
0:thisEvar i=efhandlela=e(3),u=e(4'.

afterwards I can see a folder "root" but we don't have that folder in Thycotic.

sync does not work.
any idea's ?

Messages In This Thread
Thycotic Secret server online and version 11.0.6064.1 ASG-RD 2018 Patch5 integration - by Jorgen - 09-10-2018, 02:01 PM

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