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ASG Remote Desktop 2018 crash on reconnect
I run ASG Remote Desktop 2018 version 11.0.6169.1 on my Windows 10 Build 1803 HP Elitebook laptop with the latest cumulative updates.

Over the last several months, perhaps 6 months or more, I am experiencing issues when I click the 'Reconnect' icon on the remote desktop session toolbar or if I right-click the object in the 'Navigation' window and select 'Connect' while I have an active session.

Randomly as I attempt this operaiton ASG crashes, ends process and all my sessions are disconnected.

Has anyone else seen this? Are there any logs available that may reflect the cause of the crash?

Messages In This Thread
ASG Remote Desktop 2018 crash on reconnect - by hmiller2010 - 06-12-2018, 05:49 PM

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