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SSH remote command option
In a recent version you added options in the SSH session to specify terminal allocation (putty "-t" option) and remote command file (putty "-m" option) which is very helpful, but it still means that we have to maintain a set of files on every team member's filesystem to hold any remote commands in use.  It would be incredibly useful to change the existing remote command support to do the following:
  • Allow specifying a file (existing functionality) or a list of commands as a multi-line text box
  • The commands would be stored along with the connection object so would be saved in the database
  • If commands were specified, ASG would need to create a temporary file on the filesystem containing the commands and then specify that path when starting putty
  • The temporary file should be cleaned up once putty has ended
This seems like a fairly simple addition that would centralize all the connection info into the ASG database and eliminate the dependency on a local file.


Messages In This Thread
SSH remote command option - by aaron_huber - 14-12-2018, 01:22 AM

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