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Remove private & personal settings and more
We got 3 requirements we do not know how to implement in a multiuser ASGRD environment: 
1) How do we identify sessions with admins with older ASG RD Versions?  (how do we block older ASG RD Versions? / enforce a specific version)
2)  We've got issues with inherited settings. Not all users share the same settings at the moment. But we don’t want to allow individual inheritance or personal settings of any kind. 
At least we need a way to FORCE the use of some settings. (for example: all connections in this folder use THIS credentials. We would expect to overwrite the individual settings on that folder for all ASG RD Users)
Alternatively: Is there a way to reset the database and remove all and every individual inheritance? 
THIS is a big issue for us.
3) when you press the Menu Key (the key right next to the windows key) inside of a windows RDP session the ASGRD Menu appears instead of the right menu inside the RDP session. (This is a minor issue for us)

 - we use ASG RD 12.0.6342.1   mixed x86 and x64 enviroment. 
 - Users connect with integrated login.  (Domain user) 
 - we ve got user permissions enabled.
 - we are a group of 15 admins

Messages In This Thread
Remove private & personal settings and more - by Stefka - 05-06-2019, 04:22 PM

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