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Black Screen when logging into Server 2016 & 2019

i am experiencing a black, blank screen when logging into our Windows 2016 & 2019 Remote-Terminalservers via RDP. 

After establishing the connection the server will show you the current user used for logging into the machine, then 10-15 seconds of black screen, then continue with displaying the normal picture. If a session is already active and there are windows opened it will show the upmost window for the "black screen time" without anything else before starting to display the rest of the screen content.

I am connecting via RDP and already tried out pretty much all of the options available under Connection -> RDP -> Experience; tried different cache modes and resolutions; without avail.

Connecting via Microsofts RDP-Client "mstsc.exe" the Session does not show this behaviour. Also, Windows Servers 2008 and 2012 are not affected. While not critical, i would love to resolve this as it is bugging me constantly.

Has anyone experienced and/ or solved this already?

Edit: Currently using ASG RD 2020 but had this problem with 2018 version too.

Messages In This Thread
Black Screen when logging into Server 2016 & 2019 - by Stocki - 10-03-2020, 06:50 PM

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