06-10-2020, 10:29 PM
(06-10-2020, 07:38 AM)DevOma Wrote: Which browser do you use as internal browser control? IE, Chromium oder GeckoFX?
We do not really support "passthrough authentication" for websites - so I don't know why it was working?!? You can use BasicAuth or FormBased-Auth - for FormBasedAuth you need to configure the fields that should be filled - so currently I don't understand what exactly is not working?!?
I am using IE as the browser control (didn't know about that setting), I am using formbased-auth to sign into the RDWeb website which is working fine.
In IE one may be prompted to allow addon 'Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Web Access Con...' (don't know the full name as it is cut off), that is the plugin that enables SSO (i.e. being signed into the website will allow one to open a connection without authenticating again). Have added a picture of the toast notification that comes up.
I have figured out that the Plugin does get loaded when I change from 'Auto submit of the page (by Submit call)' which wasn't available in Patch 3 to 'Auto submit of the page (by button)' - though for some reason in Patch 4 and Patch 5 I now have to add a delay of 1 second before page action (also not available in Patch 3, but would fill and go straight in)...