Rocket Remote Desktop 2023 - Patch6 (16.0.7882.1)
Rocket Remote Desktop 2023 - Patch6 (16.0.7882.1) is available!

To use this version you need a valid subscription until 06/01/2023

Caution - Database Upgrade necessary for versions less than 2023!
Information / Known issues
- Version 2023 Patch6 is based now on .NET Framework 4.8 (previous version .NET 4.7.2)
- It's recommended to deactivate Chromium Control as it causes performance issues
- LAPS 2.0 currently not working

Rocket Remote Desktop 2023 - Patch6 (x64)
Rocket Remote Desktop 2023 - Patch6 (x86)

For any feedback you can use the Rocket Remote Desktop support forum (for version 2021/22/23).


- Powershell-API to database environments is working again
- Connection-SSH => Putty Session Administration - Remove entries when "Sessions in data source" is selected is working
- Connection-SSH => KeyFiles Administration in file mode working correctly

New features/enhancements

- Keeper Security - support of folders

The 64Bit-version of Rocket Remote Desktop has the following limitations
- No ICA protocol is supported (Citrix do not plan to release a 64bit client software)

Attached Files
.txt   RocketRD2023_Patch6_Setup_Hash.txt (Size: 166 bytes / Downloads: 2)
.txt   RocketRD2023_Patch6_x64_Setup_Hash.txt (Size: 170 bytes / Downloads: 4)
.html   ReleaseNotes_DE.html (Size: 535 bytes / Downloads: 27)
.html   ReleaseNotes_EN.html (Size: 505 bytes / Downloads: 15)

Messages In This Thread
Rocket Remote Desktop 2023 - Patch6 (16.0.7882.1) - by DevOma - 01-08-2023, 01:56 PM

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