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Update password on multiple credentials at the same time
In Credentials, it would be very handy to be able to select multiple credentials, rightclick and select "Set password...".

In big environments you'll often have accounts on many different domains (fx. a personal named account), but to simplify things will keep the password in sync across the different accounts.

If you have say 5-10 different accounts it would be very handy to be able to update the password for all of them at the same time, as described above, instead of having to change them one at a time.

To take it one step further, you could split Credentials into a Accounts and a Passwords section - and assign the Passwords to the Accounts. In that way different accounts can share the same password, making password sync across different accounts even easier.

Messages In This Thread
Update password on multiple credentials at the same time - by drlandau - 14-07-2010, 07:44 AM

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