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Quick Connect to Console doesn't work
Version 8.0.5091.0

Quick Connect - Set servername and credentials - Click "Use full connection properties" - In RDP in Connection set "Connect to console" - Click Connect

It doesn't logon but instead just displays the "select user" screen on the remote server and prompts for username/password.

Using the treeview or Search, rightclick Connect using Console works ok. Connecting using Quick Connect without using "Use full connection properties" also works (but don't cnnect to console of course).

Also, Quick Connect doesn't remember the "Connect to console" setting the next time as it did if fx vRD 2011.

And the Quick Connect dialog stays open after the connection is made - this is a general issue.

Messages In This Thread
Quick Connect to Console doesn't work - by drlandau - 31-03-2016, 01:27 PM

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