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ASGRD 2016: Pressing 'Delete' in Find dialog to clear inputfield deletes connection
ASGRD 2016 Patch3 (also a problem in ASGRD 2015)

When pressing 'Delete' in the Find dialog to clear the Attribute inputfield (when its content is selected) prompts to delete a connection instead of clearing the input-field.
Even if there is no search results displayed (and thus no Connection selected) it still prompts to delete a connection (and which connection? the active tab or one from the treeview - or?).

So even though you place focus in the field to clear the contents, focus seems be some another place in the GUI.

Workaround is to use backspace, but it is not intuitive.

Is there any plans to change this?

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We know that issue - and it's only active if the navigation window is in "auto-hide" mode - then this control still have focus - I try to solve it with Focus on the search field in Find-window...
Ok sounds great, fingers crossed Smile
Fixed that :-)
I still have this or something similar in ASG RD 2018.
Navigation window is in auto-hide mode.

Case in point, I have opened this forum via the Help - Support Forum... menu.
When I am in Edit mode in the forum and hit Delete, ASG RD will prompt me for "Delete selected items"

What is worse is that it defaults to Yes, so if you click the Delete button and hit Enter to insert a linefeed, it will supposedly delete *something*
As the "Delete selected items" popup doesn't display *what* it intends to delete, I have no idea what it have deleted.
(I can now see from the CHange log it was one of my Credentials it deleted)

Can this be fixed?
We will check (and try to fix) that...

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