25-08-2016, 02:56 AM
Hi all - I'm curious about what seems like a strange behavior of the ASG Quick Connect function which has bothered me for a long time, but I've finally gotten around to asking about today. I assume it must be intentional, because this has been a feature since Visionapp 2010 at least.
Simply put -whenever I want to copy a servername from some document, spreadsheet or diagram and paste it into the quick connect box, it rarely works. This is because the default Windows behavior when you double-click to select is to pad the "word" with a space at the end.
Unfortunately, ASG's behavior is to disallow pasting of space-padded hostnames or IPs into the quick connect window. The result of this is that I always have to "manually" select the hostname or IP (rather than doubleclick), or paste the name into some intermediate location and re-select without the space.
Fairly trivial on a grand scale, I know, but it's a continuing irritation because I can't break myself of the habit of using the double-click select. I know I'm not the only one as my coworkers have complained about the same.
Is it possible to request that the Quick Connect box allow spaces in the future? Or at least some good reason why spaces can't be allowed, to help put my mind at ease?
Simply put -whenever I want to copy a servername from some document, spreadsheet or diagram and paste it into the quick connect box, it rarely works. This is because the default Windows behavior when you double-click to select is to pad the "word" with a space at the end.
Unfortunately, ASG's behavior is to disallow pasting of space-padded hostnames or IPs into the quick connect window. The result of this is that I always have to "manually" select the hostname or IP (rather than doubleclick), or paste the name into some intermediate location and re-select without the space.
Fairly trivial on a grand scale, I know, but it's a continuing irritation because I can't break myself of the habit of using the double-click select. I know I'm not the only one as my coworkers have complained about the same.
Is it possible to request that the Quick Connect box allow spaces in the future? Or at least some good reason why spaces can't be allowed, to help put my mind at ease?
