I work for a large Aus Gov agency. We were planning to buy ASG RD and wanted to test out the product.
Going to your homepage, there are download links, great. Links are on this page: http://www.visionapp.com/germany/solutio...sktop.html
They don't work.
I look all over the website for links that do work and can't find any, so I press on and take a look at the forums. On the forum I find this thread about the latest version of the product, with links to download it:
The links don't work.
Frustrating but I figured I'll just contact the company and let them know. So I go to the contact page: http://www.visionapp.com/germany/company...-info.html
The contact link doesn't work.
Well done to whoever looks after your website.
Going to your homepage, there are download links, great. Links are on this page: http://www.visionapp.com/germany/solutio...sktop.html
They don't work.
I look all over the website for links that do work and can't find any, so I press on and take a look at the forums. On the forum I find this thread about the latest version of the product, with links to download it:
The links don't work.
Frustrating but I figured I'll just contact the company and let them know. So I go to the contact page: http://www.visionapp.com/germany/company...-info.html
The contact link doesn't work.
Well done to whoever looks after your website.