in ASG Remote Desktop Versin 2016 the "Navigation" (world symbol) drop-down menu disappear in the "Administration toolbar" with User rights.
That mean with an admin it works. But with a normal user not.
I tested the software on a Windows 2008 R2 terminal Server as a user with "runas".
Do you have the same behavior?
It seems to be a bug - for me.
I will answer instead of Oliver because he's not available for some days :
I tried to retrace the problem and I could create the same effect if the usergroup has not sufficient rights to "browse" the treeview:
If you right click on the "Connections" item in the navigation tree goto "Security" and make sure that the usergroup the user belongs to has sufficient rights :
If my testuser ( in SecGroup1 ) has the "Standard" rights the pulldown menu is available and working. If I reject the rights the pulldown will dissapear.
Could you check that ?
Because it is not a solution to give normal users f.e. EDIT Rights in the whole tree.
But i tested to make a new Folder with all "Standard (Public Objects)" rights for my testuser and then click into it and then click on the world symbol.
Nothing changed unfortunaltely.
Thanks for your fast feedback Sandra !
You're right: givin all rights is a bit too much - but even with just "read" on the public folders the dropdown works least for my installation. But I see the pulldown only if doing a layout-reset "CTRl-F9" after adding the right. Just adding the rights without a following layout reset or restart of the User's client doesnt reflect the change !
But I'm not sure if that is by design or not. I try to get more infos and get back to you !
best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --
we will implement some changes here to hopefully eliminate that effect. Should be implemented in the next patch5 ! Releasedate is unknown so far but we strive to release a new patch every 1-2 months. So shouldn't be that far away ;-)
Best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --