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Howto req-extapp to open a new connected adhoc tab
Ok, bear with me.

We are implementing CyberArk.  To integrate this into ASG-RD, we create a connection which as a connection field of


Then on the RDP connection attributes, on the program line, we put:

psm /u proxyaccount1@domain.loc /a  servername /c PSM-RDP

This launches a passthrough RDP session to "servername", using proxyaccount1 which is retrieved from the Cyberark store if the user authenticating has privs to it.

The problem with this is that I need to create an actual connection object, with a few steps/hand edit, for each server.  When you're used to using ad-hoc connections by just typing in the server name, this is a pain but it's also a pain to create new connections - minus Cyber-Ark, you say new connection and put a name in and you're done,  no copying strings to the program line and editing.

What I would LIKE to do is two-fold:

1. Feature request - I wish that the Programs/"executable path" field would support variables the way that the extapp General fields do.  This would let me turn the above into:
psm /u proxyaccount1@domain.loc /a  %NAME% /c PSM-RDP

Then you could just copy connection objects, rename them, and they would pass in the correct info dynamically.  Much simpler for creating objects.

1a.  Even better, if you had a special token in your connection object that flagged to ASG-RD that it needed to query for a value,  you could make a connection object that would ask you for this value.  psm /u proxyaccount1@domain.loc /a  &PROMPT1& /c PSM-RDP

2.  Perhaps easier to implement, as the above will involve some complexity, is there a way of calling a command that will initiate a new connection/create a new connection tab within the existing ASG-RD instance, via an extapp?  If there is, it would let us use a static object and call an ext app against it), then initiated a new connection tab along with the dynamic program line.  This doesn't help the prompting for a name for an ad-hoc.

Ext. Application\Options\Filename = C:\PATH\ASGRD.EXE -INSTANCE 1 -NEWTAB %NAME% [-credential %CREDENTIALSDESCRIPTION%] -PROTOCOL rdp -executablepath "psm /u proxyaccount1@domain.loc /a %NAME% /c PSM-RDP" -startfolder ""

Does anyone know if there's already a way to re-call ASG-RD to create a new connection tab dynamically like this?

We have one remaining sharp edge to this, in that the "proxyaccount1" needs to be uniquely in use on the target server.  A variable that was random in a range would reduce these collisions but that's asking for an unreasonable feature unless people can think of more use-cases.

Messages In This Thread
Howto req-extapp to open a new connected adhoc tab - by kgouldsk - 03-11-2016, 11:27 PM

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