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ASG-RD 2017 - Automatic Export on EXIT
Hi, I did more testing.
I created a new Database connection, and created a new database, and I login to database. I checked the option to have offline data, and closed ASGRD.
Then I login again against database, and closed ASGRD again.
Then I disconnected network cable and I tried to login, after the timeout, i fall into message box loop I mentioned in my last post.

Offline it work, if I use Windows autentication, but not if I use Internal User. With Internal user I got a loop with message box, but using windows I have different users on my PCs so I do not have all of my connection shared.

If it possible to use Internal User with Offline?

Please I nedd help.


Messages In This Thread
RE: ASG-RD 2017 - Automatic Export on EXIT - by marcolino7 - 10-12-2017, 01:03 AM

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