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Error not visible
Hi Guys, We are using ASG 2018 Version 11.0.6104.1

Sometimes if I try to connect to a server, I'm getting an error. But I can't see everything there. Above "Reconnect" there is a line, but I can't see what is written there. Does someone has an idea how to show it? It tried already on Big Screens, maximizing it. Nothing is helping. 

The problem is, that I can't troubleshoot then why it doesn't work. Maybe the server is not running or something like that. 
To us only Microsoft RDP isn't an option. We have hundreds of server. 

Does anyone have an idea?

Many thanks!


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Im wondering about the colour of that error messag as well. I would suggest first to try a reset of ASG-RD Layout settings. Maybe that helps. You can do this by pressing CTRL+F9 or using the menu "Tools".
Does that help ?

Best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --
(10-10-2018, 04:18 PM)Michael Scholz Wrote: Hi,

Im wondering about the colour of that error messag as well. I would suggest first to try a reset of ASG-RD Layout settings. Maybe that helps. You can do this by pressing CTRL+F9 or using the menu "Tools".
Does that help ?

Best regards,

Hi Michael

Many thanks for your reply. I tried, but it didn't help. The colour isn't everytime the same. I have also other colours. 


Hi Jimmy,

So it seems you have coloured tabs activated. This is defined in the connection properties "Connection" - "Display" the last entry "Tab colour" -> random. Thats the reason for the different colours. Also I could retrace the effect with the scrambled error message and right now I don't have a way of making the message visible completely. I already filed that in for development to check . The only way I see right now is to check that same connection with mstsc.exe and hope that there will be a meaningful message thrown. Please have some patience - I hope we can fix that soon !

Best regards
best regards,
Michael -- --
(11-10-2018, 10:59 AM)Michael Scholz Wrote: Hi Jimmy,

So it seems you have coloured tabs activated.  This is defined in the connection properties "Connection" - "Display" the last entry "Tab colour" -> random. Thats the reason for the different colours. Also I could retrace the effect with the scrambled error message and right now I don't have a way of making the message visible completely. I already filed that in for development to check .  The only way I see right now is to check that same connection with mstsc.exe and hope that there will be a meaningful message thrown. Please have some patience - I hope we can fix that soon !

Best regards

HI Michael

Many thanks for your reply. So I have then to wait. No problem. I thought maybe there is a solution for it! 


You can configure to show the disconnect reason in a message box instead (Settings=>Connection) - with the next Patch/version the text label will be resized to display more information if needed...

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