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Query re: Connect as... > Last Used
Love this feature in conjunction with the 'Custom' credential but could you tell me where these credentials are stored please?

Also a related feature request - As we connect to many different customers with different personal credentials (stored outside ASG-RD), I'd like to see only one occurrence of the credential in the list (if the credential itself is unchanged)
example: I connect to 10 different servers for customer A using custom credentials. I can quickly authenticate to any of that customer's servers using the 'Last used' credential. But.. each time I use it, the credential occupies another one of the 10 'last used' slots in the list. So if I then connect to 10 different servers for customer B, my custom credential for customer A disappears off the bottom of the 'Last Used' list. OK, it's not a massive problem for most folks, just putting it out there in case you see any merit in the suggestion.
1: You can't access these data - it is stored as a list of ID's somewhere in your data source (file or database) - but it is not readable in plain text

2.: Of course - I think this is more a bug than a feature - I will have a look and it should be fixed with the next update

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