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quick connect issues
I want to report 2 points for quick connect behavior.

1)  When using "Use custom cred" checkbox and typing username in format .\xxxadmin in order to connect to the server using windows local account, it works well. However once you press connect, the .\ part is removed from the username and so if you try to do this again, it will fail as the without .\ windows will expect domain account

2) Delete keyboard do not delete characters in text, but it asks if you want to "delete selected items"

I can confirm both - for issue 1 we will try to fix asap - second issue is more complicated - it's an focus problem when using collapsed windows - so if "Navigation" window is collapsed (hide automatically) the control has focus too - don't ask me why but we didn't found a solution for that - it only occur if Navigation is collapsed
OK, thats fine.
thanks for the point 1 .)

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