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Defaulting credentials\connections to a particular folder?
We're using ASG-RemoteDesktop 2017 and I'm currently trying to split out our companies connections\credentials across 2 divisions within the same VisionApp database.

ie Division A can only see and use Division A's connections/credentials and Division B can only see and use Division B's connections/credentials.

I've created subfolders in both the connections and credentials areas, moved everything around and locked those down with security groups which works fine for existing connections/credentials.

The things I can't do are:

1. When you set-up a new credential for a connection, it automatically defaults to the root of the credentials area. I want to be able to default Division A's newly created credentials to Division A's credential folder and Division B's newly created credentials into Division B's folder but I can't see a way of doing this?
In fact, I want to stop any new credentials being created in the root of the folder entirely.

How can I do this?

2. When creating a new connection, similar to the query above, I want to be able to stop new connections being created in the root and instead force into one of the created folders.

A Division A user can't see Division B's folder anyway but both Division A and Division B users can see the root of the connections area because the permissions at the top level have to include everyone for access (and filter down appropriately) so both sets of users will be able to see anything created in the root folder.

Can you let me know how I can do this?

If you require any more information, please let me know.
Thanks in advance and I hope you can help.

You should configure your root credentials folder to allow only read only - so nobody should be able to create any creds on the root object.

You can't set to start creating creds in any folder depending on which connection folder you editing - so the users must create their creds manually in the folder they are allowed to and not choose it from a connection object directly
(13-11-2018, 09:54 AM)DevOma Wrote: You should configure your root credentials folder to allow only read only - so nobody should be able to create any creds on the root object.

You can't set to start creating creds in any folder depending on which connection folder you editing - so the users must create their creds manually in the folder they are allowed to and not choose it from a connection object directly

Thanks Oliver.
It's a shame you can't specify the folder when creating credentials through the connection itself as that appears to be the standard workflow eg create the connection and then the credentials from the connection object? Maybe one for the future?

I'll set-up and test the read-only permissions on the root of the credentials and connections folders and let you know if I have any problems.

Thanks again,
I will add the request to the feature list...

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