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Morning All,

We have an issue with our ASG RemoteDesktop 2017 (Version: 10.1.5630.1).
this is installed on an RDS environment with the SQL Database sitting on another local server.

The issue we have is that some times users can open ASG without an issue.
Randomly it will not load and throw up the error:

An error occured on exceuting an sql statemnet

We're not sure the meaining of this error? Once it comes up ASG will not load.
However, you can close ASG and re-open and it will work.

The issue seems intermittent.
We have a backup of the SQL Database that we can restore to, however, we wanted to understand the error before restoring.
The logs are too big and the sql statement takes too long to execute - try to remove some logs
(23-11-2018, 02:36 PM)DevOma Wrote: The logs are too big and the sql statement takes too long to execute - try to remove some logs
Our logs are only 13,000

What are the recommended maximum sizes for the log files?

Surely 20,000 records in SQL is small?
Yes I know - it's not really much for the SQL server...

I think it is related to the datatype - we need to change the "ntext" field - and/or we need to do the "remove logs" action into an asynchronous call - I will it add it again to the todo list

Do you have a "day range" to delete? Perhaps it is faster if you set to use almost 10k log entries?!?
We've altered the retention policy and shrunk the logs, this has stopped the errors.
Thank you for your help.


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