17-12-2018, 05:16 PM
Im trying to form a CMD-script, thats able to export all data from the ASGRD environment.
So far this Script is able to export the history:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2017>ASGRD.exe /instance:asgrd2017 /loginintegrated:true /loginsubmit /exportaction:History /exportoutput:c:\temp\historyexport.txt
I want it to be able to export more than just the history, like the connections etc...
I hope someone can help me to do that.
Kind Regards
Im trying to form a CMD-script, thats able to export all data from the ASGRD environment.
So far this Script is able to export the history:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASG-Remote Desktop 2017>ASGRD.exe /instance:asgrd2017 /loginintegrated:true /loginsubmit /exportaction:History /exportoutput:c:\temp\historyexport.txt
I want it to be able to export more than just the history, like the connections etc...
I hope someone can help me to do that.
Kind Regards