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Character encoding in PuTTy implementation in ASGRD
When connecting  using PuTTy outside ASGRD and do a lsblk I get a dir listing with tree-lines.
When doing the same from withing ASGRD, the tree-lines turns to â characters.

We find nowhere to change character encoding.
Same problem if importing settings from PuTTy in ASGRD.

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Hi, unfortunately I can't retrace the effect on my system. Tested quickly with Ubuntu 16.04 using the internal SSH protocol and putty. In both cases characters are shown perfect.
I assume there is a character encoding mismatch somewhere. In my putty I have "UTF-8" set under "Window-Translation-Remote Character set" . If you choose a putty session in ASG-RD it uses the same parameters as standalone. What happens if you "Configure" your putty session from the putty session configuration option in "SSH - Connection" and click on "open" ? Then the integrated putty will be started with the same settings . Does that show any difference ? Make sure after changing settings you store the session in putty correctly ( load session / save session ). While in the putty session check the character set used with "locale". Should be the same on both systems.

Best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --

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