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'Next' greyed out at 'Database Upgrade'
The 'Next' button is not available even after entering the correct information in the 'Database Upgrade' step after install of 2019.
I simply cannot progress past that screen.
What have i done wrong?

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Good morning,

unfortunateley we discovered a problem here when password protection is enabled, but we will fix this asap.
In the meantime you can work around that by opening the "old" database again with version 2018, disable the password protection, and then try again.
Then the upgrade should work smooth. You can activate password protection in 2019 thereafter.
Sorry for the inconveniences.
Best regrads,
best regards,
Michael -- --
Thank you for the response and work around.

(07-03-2019, 10:12 AM)Michael Scholz Wrote: Good morning,

unfortunateley we discovered a problem here when password protection is enabled, but we will fix this asap.
In the meantime you can work around that by opening the "old" database again with version 2018, disable the password protection, and then try again.
Then the upgrade should work smooth. You can activate password protection in 2019 thereafter.
Sorry for the inconveniences.
Best regrads,
It's fixed with version 2019 Patch2

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