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KeePass Integration causes crash of Database

We are trying to implement KeePass in ASG Remote Desktop. We enabled Integration extension and 
created a folder under Credentials and are able to start Synchronisation.
But then after Synchronisation, ASG is crashing, or after a restart of ASG the Database is not starting 
anymore. We had to restore the whole VM and are not able to see the Error Logs.

It happens after synchronisation with "only object names" and "all data including passwords". 
For Security we use a MasterPassword and the KeePass file is on a public folder.

What could the problem be? Is there any limitation of the keepass file size? 
Our file is only about 25 MB, because we also store attachments.

Thanks for your reply.

Regards Stefan
Do you use KeePass sync for more than one user? We noticed in other PW syncs that the password encryption is user based and we replaced it with selection of a credential object... So all team members can use it - or did you configure only a sync for your personal passwords?
Yes, we use it for more than one user.
We are working on a patch for that problem...

i have intergrated keepass as public folder for multiple user. Sync etc. works fine for my user but any other user gets error message:  
Unhandled Exception
An unhendled error occured in the application. You should restart the application to prevent further problems

Restart doesn't fix the problem.
Is this the known bug mentioned above?

ASG-Version: 12.0.6279.1, database mode
Yes - next version will require to use a credential object instead - and this can be accessed from different users - will be published very soon :-)

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