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SecureCRT try to integrate fails 50% of time
We use VisionApp Remote Desktop or ASG Remote Desktop for years now. We are running Version 11.0.6064.1 at the moment. We have integrated SecureCRT a few years back. But always had the same annoying issue, that the window sometimes does not integrate correctly into the tab. 50% of the time, it works fine and the window looks like in IMG1.jpg

So it integrates perfectly. But then, if we open another one, we get IMG2.jpg

The window does always resizes to the correct proportions, but the location is wrong. It always floats on the top left corner of the screen (pixel 0,0) it seems. It always opens a Windows tab in the taskbar for the SecureCRT application when the issue happens.
Sometimes opening 3 connections in tabs work fine, and the 4th is broken. Sometimes it is broken the first time. We can even connect 5 times to the same device, having 4 connections broken and only the 5th working fine. Sometimes, the SecureCRT window opens on the second screen.

We already tried changing these parameters in all possible variations, but nothing fixed this issue. The agruments are following:
/LOG "U:\ConnectionLox\%Y.%M.%D - %h.%m - %H.log" /NOMENU /N %computername%  /NOTOOLBAR /SSH2 /L %Username% /PASSWORD %Password% %computername%

We are 4 People on different PCs having the same issue. Some of us have it more often than others. But all in all, i would say it is about a 50/50 probability. We all use a dual monitor setup in our working environment. Has anyone had the same issue? what can we try to fix this?

The application itsel is working fine, the issue is just very annoying having to deal with it multiple times in a row.

BTW, couldnt attach images inline to this tread because of character limitations (guess images are encoded in Base64)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Very difficult to find a solution - did you try to set Min wait time to integrate from 0 to perhaps 1 or 2 seconds? When the window is created we try to grab the window and put into another one - perhaps a short wait time could help???
(03-05-2019, 11:30 AM)DevOma Wrote: Very difficult to find a solution - did you try to set Min wait time to integrate from 0 to perhaps 1 or 2 seconds? When the window is created we try to grab the window and put into another one - perhaps a short wait time could help???

So this seems to work for now. We tried this before with 10 sec timer, and it seemed that it would not try to integrate anymore. Surely we didnt wait long enough. We tested this now with a 1sec timer, and this seems to work well. So the 0 Second timer from before was maby just a tiny bitsy too fast, therefore we had the issue at 50% of the tries. Maybe a 300ms timer would be enough, too. Is there a way to set the timer in milliseconds somewhere in a configuration file or the registry?

Thanks for the help so far.
It can only be set in Ext.App. configuration dialog
So we tried to set this in the database where the settings for this application are saved whithin a Base64 encoded XML configuration.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ExtAppProperties xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Filename>C:\Program Files\VanDyke Software\SecureCRT\SecureCRT.exe</Filename>
<WorkingDir />
<Arguments>/LOG "U:\ConnectionLox\%Y.%M.%D - %h.%m - %H.log" /NOMENU /N %computername% /NOTOOLBAR /SSH2 /L %Username% /PASSWORD %Password% %computername%</Arguments>

But as soon as we set following value, the application could not be started by ASG Remote desktop anymore:

So we have to live with the 1 second delay which is much less pain than the window misplacement.
Yes only whole numbers are allowed :-)

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