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Custom scaling (zoom feature)
In W2K12 it was possible to set the DPI scaling/custom scaling level (100% 125% 150%) on the remote desktop, but in W2K16 this is no longer possible or at least we can't get it to work properly.
- Have anyone gotten this to work properly? (typically used on high resolution monitors and/or older eyes Smile )

In ASG RD you can auto-size a RDP connection that is too big to fit onto the screen (or you just want to fit into a smaller window) - it just shrinks the contents of the RDP sessions.
But it doesnt seem to be able to do the reverse, i.e. stretch/zoom a small RDP connection so it fills more than the actual RDP session dimensions.
- Is this someting that have been considered?
I think the settings from the client are forced also to the remote session - because I'm using 150% on my client and all RDP sessions seems to use the same (Win10, W2K16) - you can't change these settings in newer Windows version in the RDP session

RDP don't support stretching an active RDP session - only shrinking is working (for so many years) - I think this will not be changed anymore...

nope - that is not right! With the Microsoft RDP App from the Windows 10 store custom scaling is possible. Just tried it. I have a 4k monitor at home and when I was connected to RDP sessions in the company it was almost impossible to read ... then used the Teamviewer which is scaling up the remote screen. With the MS RDP App the scaling is much better and smoother ... I hope ASG will implement that method also!

I don't understand - is it TeamViewer that can do the scaling or the MS RDP client? I don't think the native MS RDP client - but if you reconnect a session it should have the right scaling afterwards...
nope - not Teamviewer ... that was my temporary workaround ...
The Microsoft RDP App in the Windows 10 Store will do scaling!
What is the "Microsoft RDP App"? Do you mean native mstsc.exe? Or MS Remote Desktop Manager? Or anything else???

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