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ASG disconnects RDP Session after 10 Sek. (Return code: 4)
We have the following situation ASG Connects to Server via. RDP but the session terminates after about 10 Sek. With Return code: 4. Please see the attachmen. The funny thing is, that if I manual reconnect for three times in a row the session will stay open.

We tried to change all the possible setting in ASG for RDP but no luck yet. Anybody got an idea?

ASG = ASG-RD 2019 - Patch3 (Build 12.0.6342.1)

Return Code 4: The remote session ended because the total logon time limit was reached. This limit is set by the server administrator or by network policies.

Must be any setting on the remote machine?!?
I just checked on the Server there are no limits configured.

I checked the GPO Setting which gpresult /h -> check the attachment GPO
and I checked the lokal Setting wit gpedit.msc -> check the attachment GPO Local

The setting would:
Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Session Time limits

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I did some further testing today. We have about 160 server from 2008 R2 to 2016 in ASG located in different branches. All are connect via. VPN and we are using WatchGuard Firewalls as VPN devices.

The Problem only occurs with 2016 Server behind two VPN Connections. I really tripled checked all firewalls and the devices are everywhere the same and they are all configure identical.

The problem with Remote Desktop (Return code: 4 and sometimes Return code: 2308) only occurs if I us Remote Desktop within ASG. If I us mstsc outside ASG I never have this issues.

To me it feels like the terminal service of 2016 uses a higher encryption method with makes the RDP session in general more sensitive for any network delays or whatsoever. Nevertheless, mstsc outside ASG seems to use some different settings which make the session more robust. I know ASG uses the windows mstsc client but there must be a difference.

We have an active service contract and pay yearly 924 € for support und updates. We would kindly appreciate if someone from ASG would help us to look in to this. Thank you
It's always difficult to find issues that we can't reproduce - I know that doesn't help you because you have the problem...

We will have a look into some settings - check if there are new ones - but believe me, only mstsc-group from Microsoft knows everything about the ActiveX - I had this in the past, there are some undocumented properties that are used by mstsc.exe that nobody else knows... not easy to get these information...
Dear Oliver,
Thank you for your reply. I can reproduce the issue here and I am happy to provide you with a test client via. TeamViewer or a different remote tool. You can access the test client for how long and often you want.

Please contact me whenever it suits you. Thank you

Tel.:  +49.30.293 98 - 134
I found a possible solution on MS forum - please try… Does the error occur only if other users are currently using sessions on the same computer - found another thread and this error occured because the message displaying current logged on users where not displayed (don't know why) - but if someone else on this computer logged off the connection could be established without any issues...

If it not helps we could arrange TeamViewer meeting next week...
Dear Oliver,

Thank you for your link. I have found this thread myself and examinedet our firewalls after. The issue seems to be a different one. The problem with Remote Desktop (Return code: 4 and sometimes Return code: 2308) only occurs if I us Remote Desktop within ASG. If I use mstsc outside ASG I never have this issues. I do not want to exclude a Firewall/Network issue entirely but since mstsc outside ASG does not have the same behaviour I guess the issue must be within ASG.
Yes seems to be that we do not use the ActiveX the same way like MS do - but currently I have no idea how we could check that...
(19-06-2019, 02:13 PM)DevOma Wrote: Yes seems to be that we do not use the ActiveX the same way like MS do - but currently I have no idea how we could check that...

What was the solution to this problem?  I am seeing the same thing with the latest version of ASG.  No more than 4 users can connect to the same server (2019) when up to 10 can connect with msrdp.  thx

We never found the reason for that issue...

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