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Credential Binding No longer present
I had to move to new laptop.  I was using VisionApp 2016

I downloaded VisionApp 2019 with SQL and had issues installing it (new company big brother blocking things) so I did direct SQL + Studio express SQL installation.

I then did installation with existing SQL instance, and had it create a database 

I finished installer and created new environment then ran import from export.  It imported all connection definitions, folders, groupings, and usernames (I ass

 The section which USE to be under each folder / defined login profile to bind to credential is missing

  To get back to where I can bind folder or if needed individually defined connection saved, to a saved password / credential store so I can login without prompting

Image Attached: Credentials defined and showing present as expected and of connection Definition.  Looks fine but for missing credentials connection section.

My guess is my import or setup of application was not correct, but need guidance.  I have also tried to add / have added a few more connections etc... and if I can know if export of current to "do import correctly" is possible.


PS: I also tried, as a baseline, to make a new folder, new connection, new credential folder and new credential user and no change.
Image is not attached - please attach again...

Perhaps you only have the problem that you have no active Roles? Goto the Root-Connections-object and check in Properties "Roles" - Add whatever you need to see the categories...
That was it.

But I now have to re-attach each defined connection to each account 


I have several hundred defined connections.  Most have been grouped such that credentials are all same within group... but its those odd ones where I have seperate acounts that will be a pain to reconnect.

Why did it not maintain those links on import / restore?
Export is only for current user - so why don't you connect to your old database? You only have a new laptop but if you have used a database before I guess this database should be still available - and then you only need to create a new environment and connect to your database - upgrade will be done by a wizard!
(24-06-2019, 02:49 PM)DevOma Wrote: Export is only for current user - so why don't you connect to your old database? You only have a new laptop but if you have used a database before I guess this database should be still available - and then you only need to create a new environment and connect to your database  - upgrade will be done by a wizard!

I figured export / import would maintain accounts / connection definitions, and links.  As part of import after fresh install those would be maintained....  I guess that is what A$$ume gets me.

As for "why not move database" ... well. <see above on A$$ume of import>  plus I had to give back old laptop.. so my process was just to export from VisionApp.. not go to SQL level and extract database.   So I no longer have that option.
Perhaps it's also a problem using export from 2016 and import it to 2019 - I'm not sure (because not tested) if that cause some issues.

If you use the database only for yourself - it should work.

You can try to import in version 2016 -

Or you should try to set your creds again - use MultiEdit and or Inheritance!

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