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Support for 4K displays?
Hi there,

will ASG support high resolution displays like 4K or 5K Monitors?
As of now, all that happens is that the text goes blurry on a 4K display set to use scaling in Windows display settings.

This is kind of annyoing, as we are switching to 4K here.

Best from Germany,

Thomas Zimmermann
I'm using a 4k display for a long time now and I work daily with ASGRD - no problems!

Could you post a screen of your issue? Or describe in detail which text do you mean?
I am also using a 4K monitor - no blury text ... but I like to see a RDP upscaling function because text in RDP sessions is so tiny
I do not really understand the problem - I'M using 4k monitor - and 150% scaling (recommended) on my PC - when I connect to any remote session with RDP - same sizing/scaling is used for the RDP session automatically - that can't be changed while you are in a remote session - so nothing is tiny or need to be upscaled?!?

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