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We manage a lot of different customers and up til now we log in with Domainname/Administrator on all servers (domainname is different for each client)

What we want to do is set the credentials to Domainname/%username% so we don't login with administrator but each admin logs in with his own account.

is this posible in ASG remotedesktop?

We are currently on Version 2018 11.0.5899.1
If you use a central database of course every user can define his/her own credentials and assign these credentials to any folder or connection object - if you use "Inherit" on the assigned credentials you need to assign only on folder object and the values will be used for all sub objects!
Not exactly what i mean, let me refrase (also after some further research)

Is it possible to fill in a variable in the Username field that will be filled by our password manager (Keyhub)

Maybe via powershell?
What Topicus Keyhub does:

Default all admin accounts are disabled and without groups.
When you enable a server or client site the user is enabled, added to the appropriate groups and an random password is generated.

Now we have to copy and paste the Domainname/username and password to visionapp.

Is it posible with for example Powershell that the username and password are pre filled for the specific server from Keyhub?
so when i enable the server in Keyhub, keyhub fills the credentials for that server. i start Visionapp and connect to the server.

Keyhub is able to start powershell and send the domainname, username and password to Visionapp if nescesary.
Let me check if Keyhub has an API so we can retrieve credentials directly into ASGRD - that is what we do for several other PasswordManagers - I will come back to you after my research...

Is that the product you are using?
And yes it is possible to use PowerShell to set passwords for your saved accounts...
(26-11-2019, 04:42 PM)DevOma Wrote:

Is that the product you are using?

(26-11-2019, 04:45 PM)DevOma Wrote: And yes it is possible to use PowerShell to set passwords for your saved accounts...

I found that, the problem is taht that is the personal accounts connected to my login.I cant manage those centraly?
We will start trying to integrate KeyHub into ASGRD - it has an REST-API so it should be possible
that would be great!!!

Now we have to copy-paste the domain\username and password from Keyhup to Visionapp for each connection we make.
With 60 customers each having dozens of servers it is not workable in the long run.
What would be great if the domain name can be a variable that is the Folder name where the server is placed
And the username a variable where the visionapp login name is placed

That way the domain name and username are pre filled and we only have to paste the Password (the password is changed once a day)

Some screenshots to illustrate what is mean:
hmm can't upload screenshots so i will try to discribe:

Foldername = Domain name of the customer
Client server is placed in the folder

A private credential is created with a variable username: %Visionapp-Login-Name%
The domain name is filled from the folder name: %Foldername%

The created credential is placed on the top level and inherited down to all customers and servers.

That way i dont have to fill in my domain\login and only have to paste the password once a day into the credentials.
We Upgraded Visionapp to the latest version and tested some more.It would realy help if the Varable option is possible.
Is this difficult to implement?
%Foldername% should be no problem - but how should %LoginName% be replaced? With Username from ASGRD-Login? So for domain-users just Username and if Username/Pwd is used to login, also just Username???
%foldername% would be great. If we name the forders the same as the Client domain name that would solve a lot of problems.
If %username% is the ASGRD-Login or the Windows Logged on user (without the domain name).

Then we could use %foldername%\%username% to automate the login.
That way we have 1 credential for all the computers: %foldername%\%username%
And we only have to fill in the daily rotating password
Hi DevOma,

I am a Colleague of Arjan.

Could you please give us a timeframe on when you think this feature is available. (Project Planning)
I am asking this because, we want to know when we can implement a new way of working.

This is a very important feature that we would being able to use in the short term. Since this is related to our ISO 27001 certificate.

Thanks in advance for the quick response.

Best regards,

It would be part of the next release - planned for Feb/2020
Thanks OliverSmile
Hi Oliver,

Do you have any updates about the implementation?



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