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Synchronize between two laptops
I have two laptops for work: one at work and one at home.

I'm developing the AM & PM scripts to download the key application configurations in the morning and upload changes in the evening.

I don't find any updated files in the installation directory "C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2019 (X64)".

I do find, for "ASG Remote Desktop 2019", "APPDATA=C:\Users\%User%\AppData\Roaming" so presume that is the key directory structure to synchronize.

However, there is the issue of whether or not I need to perform an evening export (Environment, Export) everything (to the default path: C:\Users\%User%\AppData\Roaming\ASG-RemoteDesktop\export.rde) and then a morning import (Environment, Import).  And is there a way to perform these functions from a script (cmd or PowerShell) to avoid manual steps in the morning and evening scripts?

Has anyone implemented this sort thing before?

I appreciate what you can share!


Hi Stefan,

I assume you work in file-mode (no SQL database) then it should be enough copying the settings-file, because any changes will be reflected there.

Best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --

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