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Problem connecting to JBoss Console after initial connection and disconnect
I am using ASG-Remote Desktop 2019 (Version 12.0.6504.1) at work.  I have some connections (for various JBoss consoles) that are using HTTP/S for the protocol.  I also currently have Firefox / GeckoFX selected for the Default browser control.

I am able to connect and get the login prompt from JBoss.  I am then able to login and get into the console just fine.  The problem happens after I logout and disconnect the session.  If later on I want to launch this same connection again it just gives me a blank screen, and I never get prompted for the JBoss login.  I cannot get this to work no matter how many times I try to Reconnect or Refresh.  The only way I can get this to work again is to totally exit out of the ASG-Remote Desktop and then run it again.  Then I am good for one more connection.

The same thing happens even if I do not login to the JBoss console.  I connect and get the JBoss login prompt.  I cancel without entering my JBoss credentials.  Then I disconnect the session.  From that point forward I never get prompted again when I launch this same connection.  Not without closing ASG-Remote Desktop and starting it again.

I have been through all of the Connection properties, Tools Settings, etc.  I am not finding anything that would totally close these connections or sessions once I disconnect the connection.  If anyone has any suggestions of anything I can try please let me know.

I have done this very thing in the past using mRemoteNG, and I was able to close a tab/connection and then launch it again without first exiting mRemoteNG.  I am hoping there is a setting I am just missing that would allow this to happen with ASG-Remote Desktop.  Here is an example of the URL I am hitting:

Thanks for your help,
Did you activate "Ignore certificate warnings"? Did you try to use Chromium instead of GeckoFX? Chromium is more stable...
I checked and "Ignore certificate warnings" is checked (or enabled). I found this under Administration, Default connection properties, HTTP/S (General).

I have also tried Chromium, but it does not work at all. As an FYI, I have a personal SSL certificate installed on my Windows 10 desktop. This is used for various applications at my work. By default since this exists in IE (or Windows) it also exists for Chrome. It does not exist for FireFox since it does not use the same SSL store location. So when I am using a browser on my desktop, I normally use FireFox for JBoss Consoles. Just to keep my personal SSL certificate from interfering.

So with Chromium selected as the browser it prompts and says Credential Required. It gives me the choice to Allow or Don't allow the use of my personal certificate. If I Allow the use of it then ASG-Remote Desktop dies. It basically just says ASG-Remote Desktop 2019 has stopped working and only gives me the choice to "Close the program". If I Don't allow the use of it then nothing happens. I just get a white screen and am never prompted for my JBoss login credentials.

I normally do not use Internet Explorer when connecting to the consoles outside of ASG-Remote Desktop, but I even tried it. It sort of worked on the old JBoss Consoles, but it got Java Script errors for the newer JBoss Consoles. I even tried "Suppress JavaScript Messages" which did suppress those with Internet Explorer, but it was just like Chrome and nothing was displayed with the new JBoss Consoles.

The only way this is consistently working is by using FireFox / GeckoFX. It always works the first time. It just won't work after disconnecting (or closing the tab) and then trying to open the connection again. Not without exiting ASG-Remote Desktop and then relaunching it.

Also some additional information. I was able to get the JBoss consoles to work via Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and FireFox on my desktop (outside of ASG-Remote Desktop). So I do not know what is going when trying this inside of ASG-Remote Desktop. On browsers that give me the choice, I can say do not use my personal certificate (Cancel) and it works. If it prompts me to Allow or Don't allow, I can choose Allow and it works. Every time I choose Allow in ASG-Remote Desktop it blows up as mentioned above.

Anyway this is basically what is happening. If you have anymore questions please let me know. Thanks for the help!

There was a bug with "Chrome" and "Ignore certificate warnings" in version 2019 - it is fixed with version 2020

To analyse it with GeckoFX we need to reproduce it in our environment - we are trying to setup such a console for testing purposes...
Thanks for the update! I will see if/when I can get the 2020 version installed at work so I can test out Chromium again. Let me know if you are able to reproduce my behavior with FireFox/Gecko as well.

Thanks again,

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