20-04-2020, 03:43 PM
We have a shared Windows Server trying to run ASG with SQL Server on the same server setup with Integrated Windows login. We have licensing for the correct number of admins. I setup and added all of the RD connections in ASG. When my other users login to ASG they already have the database environment showing up but when they try to 'Test Connection' they get the error message of "Connection check failed - The database 'ASGRD' does not exist. Validate the database name". I know this database exists and I know it's not the firewall since everything is on the same server. I verified the other users are entering the same information I'm entering but they get the error message when trying to test the connection to the database. The ASG RD software and the db are all on this Windows Server server which we all login to with individual credentials for accessing our assets. I did use Mixed Mode authentication as well when setting up the database.
Is there guidance on setting up multiple users in the ASG RD software to access the database I created when installing?
Is there guidance on setting up multiple users in the ASG RD software to access the database I created when installing?