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Support for 1Password

I use the 1Password Password Manager. Would it be possible to add support for this password manager???

/Christian Lagerhorn

we just implemented support for 1Password :-) And we are happy to have you as the first tester :-)

We will publish the new Patch in the next days
Cool! That will be awesome!!! ;-) Thanks!!!!
Added in Patch5

Any feedback is welcome :-)
Prima dass ihr jetzt auch 1Password unterstützt. Ich habe aber Probleme bei der Einrichtung.

Folgende Schritte habe ich gemacht
1. Erweiterung 1Password aktiviert 
2. Teamdomäne in den Einstellungen hinterlegt ( https://Teamdomä )
3. Credential Eintrag für mein 1Password Account angelegt (nur Benutzername Kennwort wird angefordert)
4. Ordner in den Anmeldeeinstellungen erzeugt und dort unter 1Password die oben genannten Credential ausgewählt und den Secret Key von 1Password eingetragen
5. versucht nur den privaten tresor zu syncen

ich bekomme dann folgende Fehlermeldung

[ERROR] no saved device ID
Set the OP_Device environment variable and try again.
export OP_Device= viel Text....

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

Gruß Björn

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Bei Teamdomäne bitte nur den Namen - also ohne https und ohne .1password :-)
Wow ihr seid schnell!
allerdings kommt weiterhin die gleiche Fehlermeldung nur der Text hinter OP_Device ändert sich jedesmal

Gruß Björn
Ok - dann muss wahrscheinlich die Anmeldung einmal mit dem Kommdandozeilen-Tool gemacht werden

Also cmd.exe - dann in das Install-Verzeichnis von ASGRD wechseln

Und dann folgenden Befehl verwenden

Invoke-Expression $(op signin *teamname* *mailadresse* *SecretKey*)

Es sollte dann ein Prompt für das Master-Kennwort erfolgen

Ich weiss nicht ob man diesen Schritt automatisieren kann - der Support von 1Password lässt mich leider momentan hängen, die scheinen nicht zu verstehen was wir machen und wollen da wohl nicht unterstützen...
Ups, sorry, nicht cmd.exe - Powershell muss gestartet werden! Und dann den Befehl absetzen...
Und hat der Sync mit 1Password geklappt? Wir würden uns über Rückmeldungen freuen...

I did strugle with config same as other user reported, powershell get that device export issue fixed somehow .. (if you can add remarks into your help about need to deploy op.exe .. had to google it what is it) then I need to specify in team name as we do not use default .com "host" but EU placed servers  ... And then I can see i am logged and logoff  successfully when do sync and not choosed any vaults in options , all went ok .. nothing sync in real , but ended with success , so connection is made..
When i choose sync either private or shared vaults .. i get warning error "Sync can't be executed" , "Reading data from '1Password' failed"
On shared i can see correct number of shared vaults in loop .. on sync of first from loop it get error and nothing happen ..

Any advice, what i do wrong ?

Using op tool in command line is working fine , i can read and create vaults stuff ... both private and shared

Isn't somehow hardcoded that in teamname ? maybe .. just thinking out loud ..  have very latest version installed.
Ok - never got feedback from the other user/tester...

On implementing 1Password we run into some problems - and 1Password didn't support the way we read all passwords - that's why we decided not to deliver op.exe

The first access differs from the next one - there is some logic in 1Password that creates a local user on first access - can't remember the details - but it was necessary to execute the Login command once directly in PowerShell

Invoke-Expression $(op signin *teamname* *mailadresse* *SecretKey*)

Then you will be prompted for the Master-Password - afterwards it should run without and then it should also run in ASGRD... Please try that

1password is not hard coded - the API should use the right expression if it is a known teamname!
Hi Oliver ,
Thanks for swift reply, As i mentioned, that steps i did, i get into that "op" suscesffully, inovoke done, get connected, using op i can read all stuff, but in ASG, i get that error, but strange is Asg showing me correct number of shared vaults on beg of sync .. so seems is connected correctly to correct account .. but reading is not working properly ..
Ok - the steps we are processing

op.exe list vaults

This should return the list of public vaults - for the next command line you need the uuid from one of the vaults

op.exe get vault <uuid>
op.exe list items --vault <uuid>

The next list should be list of credentials stored in that vault - again now you need the uuid of the credential

op.exe get item <uuid> --fields username, password, desc, title

These fields are then used to sync the data into ASGRD - perhaps you can see any error if you try to execute in manually?!? Perhaps something changed since we have implemented!?!
No errors on manual running in powershell .. get results nicely , all steps .. what is strange to me is i get that run 'Invoke-Expression' advice on cmd even after i run it on powershell and there commands are fine .. . so seems as cmd doesnt see that powershell invoke applied correctly .. will try different account on my pc.

Perhaps you find there any hint?!?
Hi Again ,

I will probably give up soon Smile

No hints there .. all is working what i tried from there .. can do anything read , write ... but still ASG refused to sync .. strange is when i run what is in that command line button
"C:\Program Files\ASG-Remote Desktop 2021 (X64)\ASGRD.exe" /syncaction:1Password /syncid:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "/syncoutput:c:\temp\sync.txt" "/instance:XXXXXX" /loginintegrated:true /loginsubmit
and then check sync.txt only line there
6. 7. 2021 16:02: Information - Sync can't be executed - Error reading credentials.

I am admin in my enviroment .. so something i do miss on asg side .. we do have database setup, and using AD to login to ASG.
steps i folleved on ASG :
Enabled extension
Then under tools settings set team with full name and pat to op
Then on creadentials create private account which will be used for 1password login , specified username and password
Then on credentials create Folder named 1Pass , owner = private
And on password source i can see 1Password "plugin" , choosed credentials to be used , paste secret from 1Pass
And nothing more changed hit sync now ..get log on , log off .. sucsessfull .. took 2 seconds to be done
in vault section is Nothing selected => Sync all vaults

what i do expect then under folder 1Pass i should have credentials created .. am i correct ?

Then open folder properties once again and click to sync private vault on that options checkboxes ..
then hit sync .. and error is there .. in progress is started with logon .. then getting data from private vault .. and then that error with warning Sync cant be executed ..
And when i run it via command line .. as command is there in next button of sync .. it looks like somehting is doing , then i can see in sync.txt message mentioned at top

When i change to synch shared vaults instead of private .. behave similar , get logon , then getting secrets from vault 1 from 12 (whici is correct number) and then on that 1st same error

do i missed something on my steps ? what can be wrong with that credentials ?
Thanks for your time ..
I think you have done everything correctly - we will try to test it asap!
We have tested 1Password sync and it is working

The only test you can do - just create a small vault with one secret/credential - and try to select this Vault for your sync operation - then it could be easier to test - so you have the properties we try to get? Any values filled? We can try to log more error details in next patch - but for now you should try to sync just one Vault with one Secret to see if that is working for you
where i can choose one vault only ? i do have one vault with one secret created, but no option to select that one only .. only that privat and shared .. nothing more in that options ..
if is working for you , then is even strange why isnt working for me ..

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