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New SQL server, slow load time
We're migrating to a new SQL server and I moved our ASG database to it tonight by detaching, copying to new server, and attaching it. I updated my connection manager to the new server. Now time to load the application takes about 2 minutes to load when it previously took seconds.

Any ideas on why this could be so much slower than the old SQL server/database?
Not really - bad connection to sql server (network) - or extensive logging on new sql server? Normally But from seconds to minutes it sounds really strange - same data should not take so much longer than before...
(23-11-2020, 09:24 AM)DevOma Wrote: Not really - bad connection to sql server (network) - or extensive logging on new sql server? Normally But from seconds to minutes it sounds really strange - same data should not take so much longer than before...

Agreed. Noticing some slowdowns on some other apps so guess I need to dig into the root cause, the server itself may be misconfigured somehow.

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