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ASG RD 2019 Http/s Browser - Ctrl + F (search / find)
Hi all,

in our Company we have ASG-RemoteDesktop 2019 (12.0.6261. 1) in use.

So far it is a great tool and making life for everyone a lot easier.

When we are using ASG RD to connect to a Web UI, sometimes it is great for us to be able to use the search function.
Normally from every Browser you would be used to use "Ctrl + F" - But in ASG with this shortcut the tab "Find Items" will appear.

Is there any option to change this Shortcut ? Or is there an alternative Shortcut for the search within the website ?

Kind Regards

Currently it is not available in the browser controls... and it's not possible to change the shortcut keys in ASGRD

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