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message “not available” on our navigation tab
After a password update and synchronization with AD we have many the message “not available” on our navigation tab (see image below).
How can we recover that tree relation?

More details of what was done:

• Reset the password for the main account and updated on the Settings>environment> accounts
• We also Synchronized the servers with AD. Once we done that, we removed some duplicate that we see with different paths (see image below the same server showing for 2 different paths).
First - the objects are only marked as "not available" - so settings like assigned creds should be still available

The used account has perhaps not the same permission than before? All objects that can't be found during the sync (read operation) will be marked as "not available" - if you run the sync again with an account that can read all objects and the AD structure is the same the icons should be updated with the correct ones...
If the servers are all correct (and perhaps only the icon seems to be wrong) - use MultiEdit and set the correct item image! I know that there was a bug in any previous version (do not know exactly what version) and you are not using the latest version of ASGRD

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