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ASG-RD 2020 Patch7 (13.0.6985.1) Release Notes
Greetings from Spokane, Washington, USA! Smile

After updating my installation using the package named "" everything works fine. However, when I click on the menu:
?->Release Notes
...The title says literally "Release-Notes for version 13.0.6985.1 (ASG-RD 2020 - Patch6):" and even the "ReleaseNotes_EN.html" and "ReleaseNotes_DE.html files also indicate "Patch6" although the version number 13.0.6985.1 seems to be correct.
Is it intended to display a number 6? Or should it display the number 7 in these locations?
Yes you are right - the version number is correct - the label is wrong :-)

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