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Connection properties - Default/Inherited/Personal values conjunction
I am wondering how interacts values from Default/Inherited/Personal within the same Connection properties tab (Database mode).

For example, I need to assign RD Gateway settings for some top level folder. I've set Servername and uncheck Use connection credentials as Default values.
Then, subfolders have these two settings as Inherited.

I want users to be able to assign to subfolders their private credentials on the same RD Gateway tab - Credentials field as Personal values.

The goal is to combine values on the same RD Gateway tab:
Inherited values - Servername, Use connection credentials
Personal values - Credentials 

But looks like it wan't work. Unassigned fields from Personal values takes priority over assigned Inherited values.
Do I understand correctly that there is no conjunction for Default/Inherited/Personal values, only a precedence?
Hi Konstantin,
I dont know if I understand you correctly in what you want to achieve. I can only say how it is meant to work :
You can inherit settings , for ex. "Use RD Gateway" and also credentials by setting those two settings on a folder. If a user has the rights -assigned through the security group he belongs to - he can override that inheritance by defining his own private (personal) settings.
But for this the third tab in the property dialogue is used. Also you could assign that the RD-GW creds will be derived from the connection credentials.
Hope that helps,
Best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --
I want to propagate RD Gateway settings, which users can't change.

This is inherited settings for Sub_folder1, assigned by admin:
[Image: k2QM7CA1I2luzi4r54wC8UDVMK3Hxc]

And this is user personal settings assigned to Sub_folder1:
[Image: UWNlSb9KoTmBEwQloehHNClQ5YuIVl]

What the summary of RD Gateway tab for the user?

Use these RD Gateway server settings:
Automatically detect RD Gateway server settings?

Does Personal values overwrites all Inherited values on this tab?
Each category (left tree view in Properties) can have one "active" selection - Default / Inherited / Personal - you can't combine between these 3 for one category!

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