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Updating from 2018 to 2020/2021?

We are currently working with ASG Remote Desktop 2018 (11.0.6169.1) based on MS SQL 2012.

About 100 people are working on the system, some with a "pure" local installation, some with a local installation maintained via MS SCCM, some work via Citrix. Yes, updating will be a drama...  Rolleyes

Finally, Management has decided to renew the license to update to a new version. The question is: Which one? If I read the release notes correctly, there are no "breaking" changes from 2018 to 2020.

-> Can you confirm that no "big bang" update is required? Can the old (11.0.6169.1) and new (13.0.6985.1) version run in parallel, at least for a limited time (several days until all clients have been updated)?

-> What about the announced Major Relase in Q2? I read about major UI changes, but will there be significant database changes that prevent a smooth migration?

Thanks alot!

from version 2018 to 2019 there was a database upgrade - so you can't use version 2018 and 2020 with the same data source... But of course you run two versions parallel on a computer when connecting to different sources...

Version 2021 will need no database upgrade! So you can install version 2021 and use the same data source as version 2020!
Thanks Oliver!

That really helped me, I guess I missed that part of the release notes. So I will plan an update to 2020 Patch 7 and wait for the shiny new 2021 version.

One more question: If I make the database upgrade to the 2020 version and some user does not update his client... Will he get an error message? Will he break something in the database? Or, asked from BOFH point of view: Do I have to make sure that every single installation is updated at the exact same time? 

Thanks again!
The first login with version 2020 will ask you to migrate the database - afterwards the old clients should not be able to connect to the database anymore...

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