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Export custom icons
I have many custom icons in asg sql database linked to connections. I need to clone DB via rde file (export feature). After importing to new DB I have no custom icons. How can I export them to for example *.ico files from original database?

If you really need to clone the database - you should use MS Management Studio - Backup and Restore!

Currently there is no "export of icons" implemented - you could try to SELECT the icon data - and import (INSERT INTO) it again in another database

SELECT * FROM ItemProperties WHERE RolePropertyId = '5AF3DC7F-CCCA-4D00-A3D7-7F469AC8AF4E'
(17-03-2021, 01:38 PM)DevOma Wrote: If you really need to clone the database - you should use MS Management Studio - Backup and Restore!

Currently there is no "export of icons" implemented - you could try to SELECT the icon data - and import (INSERT INTO) it again in another database

SELECT * FROM ItemProperties WHERE RolePropertyId = '5AF3DC7F-CCCA-4D00-A3D7-7F469AC8AF4E'

Thank you for answer. I'll try it.

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