24-03-2021, 09:28 PM
We are deploying ASG RD to our users with SCCM/ConfigMgr (we have a country license with an active maintenance). For new installations, the license is applied by adding license information to the registry (HKLM). This works flawless, but not for updates and “database users”.
The license registry import (REG ADD) works for users that stores connections into a file, but not for users that uses a database.
I have used Active Setup before for this issue, applying the license in the user-profile (AppData). However, that did not worked all the time.
Also tried the new “/importlicense” parameter, but that needs a common database if I am correct? We do not have one database for all. Each user has its own personal database.
The help-documentation says that the license can be imported in the database. How does that work exactly?
Thanks for the support.
We are deploying ASG RD to our users with SCCM/ConfigMgr (we have a country license with an active maintenance). For new installations, the license is applied by adding license information to the registry (HKLM). This works flawless, but not for updates and “database users”.
The license registry import (REG ADD) works for users that stores connections into a file, but not for users that uses a database.
I have used Active Setup before for this issue, applying the license in the user-profile (AppData). However, that did not worked all the time.
Also tried the new “/importlicense” parameter, but that needs a common database if I am correct? We do not have one database for all. Each user has its own personal database.
The help-documentation says that the license can be imported in the database. How does that work exactly?
Thanks for the support.