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Joined: Apr 2021
I would like to specify a private key for authentication via SSH.
If I go to a connection, then the SSH role it has the keyfile administration, I'm able to manually upload my private key to this location.
However, how do I set a connection to use this keyfile?
Can I create a folder to make this keyfile the default for a set of connections?
Posts: 678
Threads: 34
Joined: Aug 2006
The keyfile administration is a place to be able to centralize keyfiles with an option to up- and download them, and also to sync them. To make a session use a keyfile use putty's keyfile option. You can also upload such a putty session-definition to the database the same way as keyfiles.
If for example you define "c:\temp\keyfile.key" as location in your putty session then you once upload that keyfile via keyfile administration. On another machine open the keyfile administration and you should see the keyfile and path as uploaded.( using the same database with your ASG-RD session) Just press "sync" and the same path will be created on your local machine. You can do so also with the putty session in the "Putty session administration". The keyfile assignment is only done in a putty session.
Hope that helps,
best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --