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ASGRD 2020 - grant non-admin users access to Connection History
We have used ASG-RD for a few years now, and one thing that our users have always mentioned as a pain point is that they cannot see if anyone is already logged in to the target machine, so they might unknowingly take over the other users session.
When I, as an administrator, uses ASG-RD, I have access to the Connection History tab, but for our regular users this is greyed out.

Is it possible already now, to grant them access to this, or could it be a new feature for a future release?

You can query the sessions - manually or automatically (via Settings=>Connections) - select any Connection and choose from ContextMenu "Refresh Sessions"
(14-04-2021, 10:01 AM)DevOma Wrote: You can query the sessions - manually or automatically (via Settings=>Connections) - select any Connection and choose from ContextMenu "Refresh Sessions"

Yes, that works from my administrator account.
From the users perspective the Connection history is greyed out

They cannot open the window at all.
I'm fairly certain that this is a permission issue, but I'm not sure where the issue is.
Goto "Tools=>Security Groups" - select the security group for the user and then "Details" - there you find it... you have to add access to the logs...
This was exactly what I needed.
Thanks for the help Smile

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