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Major memory usage.
A few o my users have complained about the memory usage of the ASG application.
In my win10 computer without any sessions open the ASG application allocate 4,3 GB and uses 1G
when i have some more RDP sessions the usage increases. i just opened 3 RDP sessions and the accocation went up to 4,9 GB and the usage to 1,5
that is alot. 

if i just compare i with standard MSTSC it just allocate the amount im using. its not a good comparison mstsc dont have any DB connection or any data it handles but still.

4,5 gb allocated is alot when most laptops only have about 8GB total

is this known?
can we do anything about it?
is this a future update fix?

we have version 13.0.6888.1 x64
Ok sounds a little bit too much - I know that remote sessions takes a lot of memory depending on the remote system - but empty ASGRD application takes on my PC 65MB :-) Ok work on my notebook with a file based environment - but also with database and some more objects it should never be up to your memory consumption....

I don't know how many objects do you have - but it still should not take so much memory - do you have large logs that might be in memory? Could you check if you have any limitation configured for the logs?

If the application runs a long time you can also just minimize it - then .NET tries to free up all unnecessary memory...
(22-04-2021, 02:58 PM)DevOma Wrote: Ok sounds a little bit too much - I know that remote sessions takes a lot of memory depending on the remote system - but empty ASGRD application takes on my PC 65MB :-) Ok work on my notebook with a file based environment - but also with database and some more objects it should never be up to your memory consumption....

I don't know how many objects do you have - but it still should not take so much memory - do you have large logs that might be in memory? Could you check if you have any limitation configured for the logs?

If the application runs a long time you can also just minimize it - then .NET tries to free up all unnecessary memory...

log limits

90days on all
5000 entries on all
should the logs affect the memory use that much. i don't look at the logs. 

a newly started ASG just take 0.5 GB on both allocated and used even if i have 2 RDP sessions running from the start.

the minimize trick don't seam to work.

ASG is one of my primary applications it is always on and i only restart it when i'm doing some changes or thers a problem with ASG or i restart the PC about once a week.
I think the problem is that you have too much cache saved. The data in the cache is usually stored on a device with fast access and can be used in conjunction with software components. The main function of the cache is to speed up the data extraction process. It eliminates the need to access a lower-speed basic storage layer. The small amount of cache memory is compensated by high access speed. The cache usually stores only the required set of data temporarily, unlike databases, where data is usually stored completely and permanently. You should clear your cache and if this does not help, contact raid recovery.

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