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where to put port number
hi, we have only just started to use this application ASG remote desktop and I am just getting my head around it so apologies for basic questions.

i want to connect to a router using an IP address but i also need to add a port which is not default. if I add this alongside the IP address in the connection, it does not work. where do i put the port number for a connection.

thanks guys

first its important to know what kind of connection you use. You can use "roles" for a connection to make use of all its settings:
For RDP just activate the RDP Role under the Connection properties : Connection: Roles. After that there is an additional node visible that allows to set the used port. That also is valid for all other kinds of connections. After activating the SSH role you could also use putty to have maximum freedom in defining a session.
Hope that helps,
best regards,
best regards,
Michael -- --

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